The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance's extensive network of over 500 peer support groups, both in the U.S. and globally, is now listed in an NLM database, making it easier for individuals to find resources and connect with others facing similar challenges. We are so proud of all the work we have done, from helping write and pass legislation that benefits all people living with a mental health condition to partnering with celebrities on public campaigns that combat stigma to holding conferences and leadership summits where peers can meet and offer one another advice and support.
Thinking back to 1985, the world–particularly the mental health landscape–looks so different than the one that we know today. Yet, even now, there is a long way to go until everyone who experiences depression or bipolar disorder can access affordable, quality mental health care, work without discrimination, and feel comfortable having conversations about their mental health without fear of judgment.
Will you commit to helping us get closer to our vision of improved lives for all people living with a mood disorder by becoming a monthly sustaining donor today?